-All manual tweets
-Very OOC sometimes
-DMs always open
-VERY interactive and replies quickly ! (if mod isn't asleep) feel free to interact even as normal accs!!
-Some broken English 'cause it's not mod's 1st language


-2nd year (16-17)
-He / Sweet
-Trans Boyflux Biromantic Aspec
-Will refer to you as "producer-san" or your name
-Plays a lot of gacha games so will cry about bad pulls on his account
-Shows romantic interest towards certain characters (Midori and Tetora lmao)
-Doesn't mind feminine stuff actually just don't call him a girl for it
-40% canon info 60% projection and hcs


- Doubles and proshippers will be blocked if interacts
- Feel free to SB or HB if uncomfy
- Ships rp OK but ask beforehand (Instant no if it's with a graduated, Ibara, Koga, Sora or Tsukasa)
- DMs are always open for chatting as both in and out of character !
- Mod has their own sets of triggers but will try not to let it affects how they rp but please avoid talks about Midori or Tetora ships besides Mido/TetoHina around them
- This is a SFW account. NSFW jokes a fine as long as it's not explicit or too much. Keep in mind that both mod and the account's muse are a minor
- I sb/hb anyone that makes me uncomfortable
Also, this account was made during the _ loves you account trend if you couldn't tell from the DN! I just post like a normal rp account nowadays but it feels too iconic to delete, just to clarify.


Sunny-Hinata IRL
-He / They +neos
-Minor (17)
-SEAsian (Thai)
Feel free to ask for main!